Black key / Lead Architect
Maja Ibrahimpašić
Meet Maja, black key and lead architect in Archordion. She studied architecture at the University of Sarajevo and UPC – Barcelona school of architecture.
Seeing education as a continuous narrative, she also works as a Senior Teaching Assistant at the University of Sarajevo.
Her design philosophy revolves around weaving compelling stories into the very fabric of the spaces she creates. Whether it’s conceptualizing a showroom, redesigning an old factory or crafting a mixed-use building, Maja seeks to imbue each project with a narrative that resonates with its purpose and surroundings.
White Key / Lead architect
El-Gazija Bajramović
Meet El-Gazija, white key and lead architect in Archordion and Senior Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Sarajevo.
El-Gazija particularly enjoys tasks that involve sculpting the perfect form for a building while ensuring optimal functionality inside, be it a villa, administrative building or a residential housing project.
In 2019, El-Gazija earned dual honors at the prestigious International Architecture Students Competition DOCExDOCE. A 2nd award from the discerning jury and a 1st award by public choice underscore his ability to captivate both expert opinions and the general populace.